Baltimore Inground Pool Construction

Pool Opening Service

Spring Pool Openings Services

Spring Pool Opening Service

Let Buddy’s take the work out of opening this spring. Once you request a pool opening our customer service representatives will schedule your visit and notify you of the date our crews will arrive. When our crew arrives at your house they will remove, clean and store the pool cover on your property and perform all of the steps necessary to reassemble your pool circulation, heating and cleaning system. This includes items such as removing winter plugs and reinstalling the return fittings, setting valves to the proper position and turning on you automatic pool controls. We even include an initial chlorine shock and sanitizer to help treat the water. Request our opening agreement for complete details.

Return Visit Option

You can preschedule a return visit immediately after opening for additional maintenance. This is helpful if the water level needs adjusting after the cover is removed.

Jumpstart Visits Option

If you would like extra help treating the water and getting your pool ready for the season, then our JumpStart Service is an excellent choice. After the pool is opened our maintenance crews will return to help with the spring cleaning and water treatment. This service includes two return visits after opening to assist with vacuuming, backwashing and general cleaning.  Our crew will also pull a water sample for a complete computerized water analysis at our ALEX® water testing lab and add required balancing chemicals to your pool.

Pool Opening Options

Basic Pool Opening
Opening & Return Visit
Opening & Jumpstart™
Remove pool cover & store on owners property
Remove winter plugs & reinstall owner’s fittings
Reassemble & install deck equipment (ladders, handrails, etc.)
Prepare pool circulation system for summer use
Start system (if pool is filled to proper level)
Add initial shock and sanitizer
Install automatic cleaner in pool (Polaris)
Return visit(s) to start system and vacuum *  
Backwash or clean filter (D.E. included)  
Clean automatic cleaner bag or basket  
Professional water analysis & balancing (chemicals included)**    
Add initial algae treatment (chemicals included)    

Schedule Your Pool Opening

To request a Pool Opening enter your zip code in the box to the right to determine if we service your area.  

Don't forget you can call us at 410-666-1800.  We look forward to working with you!  

Enter Your Location

Store Hours

Store Hours

Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Saturday: 8:30am - 4:00pm
Sunday: Closed

Appointments also available upon request

Buddy's Pool and Spas
10715 York Road
Cockeysville, MD 21030
Google Map 

Phone: 410-666-1800
Fax: 410-628-0442
Email: [email protected]

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Free Water Testing

Protect your investment and keep your pool & hot tub safe by having the water professionally tested on a regular basis.   Learn More